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Onet Services Propreté Evènementiel chateauroux, recruits Cleaning Agents F/H for CUSTOMERS in the BUZANCAIS area.
Reporting to the sector manager and team leader, you will work on cleaning assignments.
The schedule is subject to events and their needs.
During events and in contact with customers and users, your main tasks are :
- Maintenance of washrooms and floors in compliance with hygiene standards and cleaning procedures;
- Empty wastepaper baskets and garbage cans;
- Ventilate rooms;
- Manage and replenish consumables;
- Maintain the cleanliness of the washroom from the beginning to the end of your shift;
You play an important role in ensuring a clean and healthy environment for the occupants of the premises. Through your work, you contribute to our customer's satisfaction.
Please contact us at: or
If you're motivated and hard-working, you're already well qualified for this position.
Your discretion and adaptability will also be highly appreciated.
A CAP and/or Bac pro in hygiene/cleanliness or equivalent and initial experience in a similar position are welcome, but all profiles are considered.
"Onet has been committed to diversity and disability for many years. Onet recruits and recognizes all talents."