Adlène Bessioud "secures" his professional future
At the age of 38, after a successful first career in security, Adlène Bessioud is embarking on a new phase in his life, both professionally and personally.
This young father of a little boy, born in June 2021, joined the Onet Group in 2013 as a security guard, and has just been appointed deputy head of General Services at head office.
- - Onet
Adlène Bessioud dreamed of becoming a footballer. " At home, all we ever talked about was soccer," recounts Bessioud, whose build betrays his recent past in professional security and long hours on the weight bench.
At the age of twenty, with a CAP APS, he became a prevention and security agent. Since then, he has never stopped training. After initial experience in events management, Adlène turned to industrial security. " I passed a SSIAP level 1 and then 2 as a fire safety team leader," says Adlène with a hint of a south-western accent.
In 2013, he joined Onet Security as asecurity guard at Group headquarters, a position he held for five years before being promoted to team leader in 2018 and then to station manager the following year.
He puts his courtesy, tact and expertise in access management at the service of the Group. As the first and last contact with customers, prospects and management, they ensure that the company's image is beyond reproach, while carrying out their duties with the utmost professionalism.
It's an honor and a source of pride to work for the parent company. In the world of safety, career advancement is rare. With my DIF, I trained as a first-aid instructor at work and as a civic first-aider. Thanks to the Group, I've also been trained to detect false official documents.
Adlène Bessioud

His commitment and eagerness to learn hit the bull's eye within the Group. Didier Baud, Head of General Services, recruits him as his deputy on August1, 2021.
" I'm very proud to be working alongside him, Didier has always given me advice and guidance," says Adlène.
Now totally involved in the management of the site and its eight buildings, this young father admits that his days... and his nights... never go by. " Fatherhood has made me mature ," he concludes.
I needed to strengthen my department. Rigorous and inquisitive, Adlène knows the installations and the head office staff inside out, and he's also keen to progress!
Didier Baud, General Services Manager