as a matter of course
Through responsible management, the Group strives to value the skills, levels of training and personal backgrounds of its employees, whatever their age, sex or origin.
To ensure that this commitment to diversity is successfully implemented, our teams receive regular training on the benefits of fairness and the risks of discrimination.
for growth
Whether through literacy programs or training to help people progress from the field to supervisory and management positions, the aim is clear: to encourage people to achieve their full potential, whatever their profile or initial level.
The challenge is to give people the confidence to realize their full potential.
Nathalie Bouchetière
HR Manager, Inclusion Department

To find out more...
Because every employee has a role to play in his or her own development, Onet also offers the Voltaire Program to help improve spelling and grammar.

We set up a real social dynamic. We integrate as many people as possible who are far from employment: single parents, senior citizens, people with disabilities, the long-term unemployed, school dropouts or refugees...
Philippe Arnaud
Human Resources Director
Giving everyone a chance
Onet promotes the integration of certain employees through professional partners: associations, Pôle Emploi, second-chance schools, talent-spotting organizations, etc.
Our operational professions offer opportunities for entry into the company requiring few qualifications at the outset.
This facilitates the inclusion of certain profiles, who, once in post, can project themselves into a progressive career.
Within the Group, this integration process is supported by our 36 inclusion referents, who guide our future employees in their jobs.
A disability policy to support careers
By supporting and promoting their skills, disabled employees can choose their own career path and develop within the Group.
The jobs are then adapted to their needs.
This approach is also in line with our desire to preserve the employability of all employees, even after a life accident.
And because disability is everyone's business, employee awareness days are regularly organized through our Duodays, webinars, the Activ Game...