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Coherence between our values, our mission, our corporate social responsibility commitments and our practices depends on the adoption of appropriate behavior and on the vigilance of each individual.

To this end, since 2017 the Group has drawn up and implemented a comprehensive system comprising a code of ethics, an ethics committee and a professional whistleblowing system.

Code of ethics

Our Group provides all its employees with a code of ethics to guide the way we act and behave on a daily basis.

The main objective of this code is to maintain a uniform line of conduct among all Group employees. These values and principles are uniformly applied in all countries where Onet operates.

Reflecting the values espoused by our Group, the document is organized around three main themes:

  • respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms,
  • the integrity and fairness of business practices, 
  • respect for the environment and the planet.

Focus on the Onet Ethics Committee

The role of the Ethics Committee is to reflect, advise and educate on ethical issues. Its main mission is to assist the Board in promoting and ensuring compliance with ethical principles within the Group.

All employees are encouraged to discuss any critical situation or ethical malfunction with their manager as a matter of priority.

However, should it be impossible to communicate with line management or a company support function, an anonymous and secure online platform is available to report any behavior that is criminal or inappropriate in terms of the Group's ethical principles and values.

Implementing this right to alert requires everyone to take responsibility.

This system can only function on the basis of information communicated in compliance with the legal framework, but also with the ethics essential to this type of system. It cannot be used as a channel for personal grievances or to harm others.