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Fabrice Amedeo

Fabrice Amedeo, a native of Château-Gontier in Mayenne, France, skipper and journalist, author and fervent advocate of ocean preservation, embodies the alliance between maritime passion and environmental commitment.

Fabrice was already familiar with the sea as a child. His passion for sailing was nurtured during summers spent at sea, and took shape when he took part in regattas.


His brilliant academic career led him to a master's degree in philosophy and a diploma from Sciences-Po, but his passion for sailing remained central. His journalistic career began at Figaro, where his in-depth investigations and expertise propelled him to the position of deputy editor-in-chief, and led him to co-found Figaro Nautisme.


His gradual immersion in the world of ocean racing began with participations in Figaro, then Class40, where he proved himself in competition. His IMOCA debut, notably in the 2016-2017 Vendée Globe, marked a turning point in his career, propelling him to the status of professional skipper.


around the world
years of ocean racing
Atlantic crossings

Our partnership Onet

It was in 2019 that the partnership saw the light of day between Fabrice Amedeo and Onet, supporting his #OceanCalling scientific project. This partnership aims to join forces to collect oceanographic data by loading scientific sensors on board his Imoca.


Thanks to this partnership, Fabrice Amedeo travels the oceans in international races such as the Route du Rhum and the Transat Jacques-Vabre, while carrying out crucial work for the scientific community. Sensors aboard his boat collect valuable data on water temperature, air quality and even the presence of microplastics, helping to map marine pollution.

Onet renews its support for yachtsman Fabrice Amedeo, heading for the Vendée Globe 2024

In addition, Fabrice Amedeo is involved in a number of activities with us, including visiting the schools of our employees' children, and organizing beach clean-ups with our teams to inform as many people as possible about the state of our oceans' health, through the story of his adventures on the high seas.


Beyond his sporting career, Fabrice Amedeo unites environmental commitment and the world of ocean racing. Passion and responsibility, for the preservation of the oceans.

Fabrice Amedeo in action

The Tour de France
of microsplastics


Fabrice works
with children

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