A company committed to the planet: Onet, partner of the World Conservation Congress 2021
From September 3 to 11, 2021, the World Conservation Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the world's largest and oldest global environmental organization, will be held in Marseille.
This global event on biodiversity brings together over 20,000 participants (face-to-face and remote) to benefit from the shared experience of scientists, experts, business leaders and professionals from all over the world.
Onet has joined forces with the French Ministry of Ecological Transition to become a sponsor of the conference. This event is an opportunity for Onet to share its experience as a service company by taking part in the discussions.

- - Onet
Our support for the congress: what's happening?
In 2021, France will host the World Conservation Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This year, this major international biodiversity event, which brings together stakeholders from all over the world to define priorities and guide actions for conservation and sustainable development, will be held in Marseille. It was a natural step for the Onet Group to become a sponsor, positioning itself as a genuine partner rather than a mere participant. As we are genuinely concerned about environmental issues, particularly those linked to the Group's roots in Marseilles, a land that is home to significant biodiversity, our commitment to the planet is also illustrated by this type of support. Taking a stand at the Congress will also enable us to take part in privileged dialogues on these subjects, at ministerial level, held within the framework of the " IUCN World Conservation Congress Partners' Club ".
Given the size of our workforce and our locations, we also have considerable social leverage to act in favor of the environment, particularly through the various sectors in which we operate to provide our services on our customers' sites. This awareness and responsibility led us to implement a CSR policy in 2002, which we named " Un Présent pour le Futur" (Present for the Future).
Biodiversity, a challenge for us and for everyone!
By taking part in this global event, we want to share our experience and showcase our commitment to biodiversity.

To this end, Émilie De Lombarès, Chairman of the Board, will be taking part in the Round Table on Saturday September 4, entitled "Why is it important to raise awareness of biodiversity issues among decision-makers and partners?
Organized by Sulitest, a French NGO accredited by UNEA (United Nations Environment Assembly), this round table presents tools - quizzes and tests available on the Sulitest platform - to raise awareness and knowledge of biodiversity. With simple, adaptable tools, Sulitest helps organizations contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Completed by over 200,000 people worldwide, Sulitest is an online multiple-choice questionnaire with learning feedback.
Convinced by the effectiveness of this tool, and by the need to raise awareness of this issue among our employees, our Group has for several years integrated this solution into the " Managing a Center of Responsibility " course at Onet University. To date, nearly 200 managers have taken the Sulitest), which consists of a common international module and a module specific to our Group, dedicated to our CSR policy.
If we are to continue to assert our commitment to being a company with impact, it is essential that all our employees, each at their own level, are able to make informed decisions in the face of the global challenges facing our societies and our planet.
So, with this test, the interest for our teams, beyond the result, is to take the time to read the explanations or comments on each of the answers to the test, for further information and training.
Over the past 4 years, Onet's scores are encouragingly high, reflecting our employees' growing maturity in this area.
Onet's contribution to the fight against plastic pollution
Attention to plastic pollution has intensified in recent years among governments and the global scientific community. It is estimated that by 2050, the seas and oceans will contain more plastic than fish. This alarming fact must be taken very seriously, and strong measures must be taken immediately.

In order to pursue and develop concrete actions, a thematic session was organized during the congress on this issue: "From science to action: innovative solutions to combat plastic pollution of the oceans".
With contributions from experts from the Plastic Odyssey expedition, Veolia, theBeMed Association, and our CSR expert Onet, the session highlights the IUCN-UNEP "National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action".
This document aims to provide a methodology for identifying plastic leakage points, determining their impacts along the plastics value chain, and then prioritizing actions once these areas have been identified.
The session focuses on engaging key stakeholders along the plastics value chain to co-generate interventions to tackle plastic pollution and present ideas that can inspire others to take similar action. Participants are encouraged to develop interventions based on what they have learned.
For example, Muriel Duguay, our CSR Project Manager, will explain how Onet has succeeded in implementing a responsible, high-performance cleaning solution in its cleaning services.
In fact, our eco-friendly Biogistic solution makes it possible to stop the mass consumption of plastic, by reducing, reusing and recycling it.

Operation "clean" beach in Marseille, everyone involved!
Because we're convinced that people are never better than when they're working together, we believe in the intelligence of the collective to move these issues forward.
Surrounded by over thirty employees from the Marseilles region, we'll be taking part in the clean-up of the Baie des Catalans on Saturday September 4, in partnership with the Cercle des Nageurs de Marseille and alongside Fabrice Amedeo.
The operation, initiated by the Cercle des Nageurs de Marseille, the Pure Océan Foundation and the Mer Terre association, will have several objectives: to collect and raise awareness of the impact of pollution linked to aquatic waste.