Our US subsidiary EPM expands its expertise in Mexico
Since October 2015, the Group has been present in the United States via the acquisition of EPM, a North American benchmark in fire safety engineering in the nuclear sector and active internationally, notably in Asia and the Middle East.
Our subsidiary EPM signed its first contract with Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission (CFE ) to provide services for the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant .
- - EPM

Mexico has a single nuclear power plant with two nuclear reactors. The nuclear power plant currently operating in Mexico is Laguna Verde (Veracruz). It is located in the municipality of Alto Lucero de Gutiérrez Barrios.
The Federal Electricity Commission, a public body created in 1937, practically monopolizes the distribution and production of electrical energy in Mexico.
Building a lasting relationship
The work to be carried out involves providing specialist Environmental Qualification (EQ) services to support the Federal Electricity Commission in the license renewal process for their two units at the Luguna Verde site.
The project will take 18 months to complete, and is scheduled for completion by December 31, 2024.
We are extremely enthusiastic about working with CFE, and look forward to building a solid long-term relationship.

Onet, an international engineering and services group
Today, Onet is an international engineering and services group. The Group has an active geographical presence in 9 countries, and provides services in over 20 countries.
Sales outside France have doubled in the last 5 years. It now represents 15% of Group sales.