Pink October
Onet Group employees get involved
Discover the highlights of our national and regional mobilization!
During the month of October, Onet Group employees showed their commitment to raising awareness of breast cancer prevention and research.
- - Onet
A national action
The Group's Inclusion Department organized an awareness-raising webinar on October 20, 2023, attended by disability players.
Regional initiatives

Onet offered 40 bibs to its employees for the Marseille en Rose race.
All donations go to the Institut Paoli-Calmette for breast cancer research.
This is the1st public sporting event in Marseille to support the fight against breast cancer.
The Direction Régionale Transport IDF took part in the connected Pink October by encouraging its employees to take part in this online race.
The aim is to cover as much distance as possible, by whatever means (swimming, cycling, running, walking, riding...).
Normandy Hauts-de-France
Our Regional Management organized a joint intervention with occupational medicine, My Cancer Network and the Ligue contre le cancer on prevention, including training in self-palpation of the bust.
In partnership with Valenciennes University Hospital, a tarpaulin promoting breast cancer screening was deployed at the hospital.
In addition, our employees at the Valenciennes and Amiens teaching hospitals proudly wore pink ribbons to raise awareness of this cause.

For more information on Pink October 2023 and the prevention campaign,
feel free to visit the site :