Onet pursues its commitment to diversity
The Marseilles leg of the Tour de France de la diversité was held on January 12. On this occasion, the Onet Group signed the updated version of the Diversity Charter.
A partner for 17 years, Onet is keen to give meaning to this commitment, which condemns discrimination in employment and promotes diversity.

- - Onet
Promoting diversity
The diversity of women and men, with their backgrounds, training and experience, is an asset for the company. For many years now, the Group has been investing in programs to promote diversity and gender mix, in order to make the most of the singularities and differences within our teams, which are formidable vectors of success and dynamism for us.
A few weeks ago, the 9th edition of the Tour de France de la Diversité took place in Marseille. The aim of the tour was to bring together institutions, companies, associations and local and regional authorities to discuss their role in the fight against #discrimination.
More than four out of ten working people* said they had witnessed discrimination or discriminatory harassment in the course of their employment. The feeling of discrimination in the workplace has thus increased by 5 points in 10 years, as indicated by INSEE(**): in 2019-2020, 19% of people aged 18-49 said they had experienced "unequal treatment or discrimination" compared with 14% in 2008-2009.
(*): 13th barometer of the Défenseur des Droits - December 2020
(**): INSEE study - July 2022
As a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2006, we felt it was important to be able to share our commitment and practices, and to gather feedback from local companies. We also partner and support a number of associations whose aim is to promote inclusion in the workforce.
Nathalie Bouchetière, Head of Onet's Inclusion Department

Among Onet's partnerships, Human Resources teams work with the " Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion ", which fights against all forms of exclusion, discrimination and poverty through a global approach to corporate social responsibility; and with the association " Nos quartiers ont des talents ", which aims to help young graduates (from Bac+3 to Bac+6) from priority neighborhoods and disadvantaged backgrounds to return to employment.
Employment players are also essential partners on whom Group employees can rely: Pôle Emploi, Missions locales, associations d'insertion, Cap emploi, PLIE, GEIQ, Défense Mobilité...
A responsible social policy
Respecting the principle of non-discrimination and ensuring that employees are treated fairly, with regard to discriminatory criteria, from the moment they are recruited and throughout their career, forms the basis of our diversity approach. "Diversity is a priority that permeates all our HR policies and is not treated independently. It is integrated into all our practices and is part of an ongoing process. In the field, it is reflected in a large number of national and local initiatives, such as Duo Day, our partnership with Industreet and our network of Handicap referents", reminds Nathalie Bouchetière.
Since 2019, the Onet Group has been coordinating its policies towards the various diversity publics: men, women, young people, seniors, jobseekers, from priority city districts, etc.
The main players involved in recruitment within the Group are trained to better understand diversity, to be familiar with legislation and to be aware of the power of differences to combat all forms of discrimination. Recruiting and integrating a person who is far from employment must be done methodically and seriously. Onet provides management teams with an inclusive, non-discriminatory recruitment methodology to help them in the recruitment and interview processes. This program provides our operational staff in charge of recruitment and personnel management with the tools and methods they need to recruit with respect for diversity.

Team training as a lever for diversity
Onet promotes diversity because it is part of the collective that it embodies. Investing in skills is a strong commitment and a major role in society. This is reflected in a number of ways: integration and skills development, through our University, employee experience and skills sponsorship.
Taking action for young people and people who are far from employment opportunities
Promoting equal access to employment for young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods is one of the Group's commitments. It is implementing a coherent set of measures targeting the difficulties encountered by young people, particularly those with no qualifications, in gaining access to employment. To help them build a relevant career plan, Onet is developing initiatives to discover professions and the business world. Employees play an active role in these initiatives through partnerships. For example, "Nos Quartiers ont du Talent" (Our Neighborhoods Have Talent) is designed to help young graduates find employment through mentoring, while the "Institut Télémaque" (Telemaque Institute) promotes access to cultural diversity for young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Onet also sits on the boards of France's 10 GEIQ Propreté. GEIQs are groups of companies that have come together to address their recruitment issues. Together, they capitalize on the potential of people far removed from the job market by training them. By taking part, we are helping to develop a more responsible approach to recruitment. In 2022, we contributed 158,280 hours of work experience to the careers of 731 work-study students.
Finally, in 2020, the Onet Group launched the deployment of a network of local disability referents to support its teams in the recognition, skills development, employability and job retention of people with disabilities. Today there are around 40 of them.