Health and safety at work
A commitment from the heart
Protecting the health and safety of our employees, as well as their physical and moral integrity, remains the top priority of the Onet Group's CSR policy.
This long-term strategy is bearing fruit, with accident rates falling and severity rates stabilizing.
However, there's no room for complacency given the high number of deaths from cardiac arrest in France.
Life-saving techniques were at the heart of the "Piloting Onet en Prévention" day on October 22. Massaging and defibrillating to save lives.
- - Onet
Putting the work back on the drawing board every year...

When it comes to health and safety, you have to be committed, ambitious and innovative. It requires constant vigilance, involving all levels of management and motivated teams.
Laurence Grillet Acerbo, Director of Responsible Development, Onet
The latest consolidated accident statistics bear witness to this growing awareness within the Group.
Over the last twelve months, the frequency rate has fallen by 4%, confirming the momentum of 2020, which saw a 17% drop. While the number of work stoppages due to accidents has stabilized at 2.4, there is still room for improvement, as this still represents too many days of stoppage. While the momentum is there, a major concern is emerging within the Group, in the image of the French Society. " Cardiac accidents were responsible for 5 deaths in 2021," laments Laurence Acerbo.
Knowing that the first few minutes are decisive, the Onet Group focused its seventh "Piloter Onet en Prévention" day on first aid awareness and training.
On October 22, on this POP day, both within the Onet Group in mainland France and internationally (Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, Brazil, United States, Morocco...), employees' hearts beat in unison as they followed the Global Heart Watch conference entitled " Three minutes to act and save ", and took part in workshops to raise awareness of life-saving techniques: sounding the alarm in the event of illness, performing cardiac massage, and knowing how to position a defibrillator.
Only 20% of French people are trained in first aid, compared with 80% in Germany and Denmark, for example, which reduces the survival rate to 8%.
Cardiac arrest, the leading cause of death in women, is on the increase. Every year in France, 50,000 people suffer cardiac arrest, 13 times more than the number of road accident victims. Road safety was the second key theme of this POP day, with road tests and simulators in partnership with the ECF (French Driving School), because exposure to this risk is truly inherent to our service and customer proximity activities.
Onet Security Telem Maroc celebrates its tenth anniversary
and brings POP culture to life
Casablanca seafront. On September 25, some thirtyOnet Security Telem Maroc employees gathered to celebrate the Group subsidiary's tenth anniversary.
It was also an opportunity to take part in the Piloter Onet en Prévention day. A trainer explained to employees what to do in the event of illness. They practiced cardiac massage and the lateral safety position.
" Dramatic situations can arise. It's vital for everyone to be able to recognize very quickly if someone is suffering from a malaise, cardiac arrest or stroke. Very few of our employees had any knowledge of first aid. Moreover, safety is of paramount importance to our international customers," emphasizes Frédéric Sirerol, Executive Vice President International.
A month of prevention
at Onet's South-East regional headquarters
Prevention is cure...
Onet Sud-Est's regional management has made this adage its own, with a four-week program focusing on prevention in the workplace around four themes: Safe driving, Being well in your environment, Being well in your head, Being well informed and aware, and the Challenge Z'AT.
" A whole month dedicated to prevention, to raise awareness, give impetus and visibility by involving the managers of our thirty branches, and promote the work of our QSE managers," emphasizes Cynthia Erguy, Quality, Safety and Environment Manager at the South-East Regional Division.
After two years of pandemics, Covid's focus on the disease blurred the message about the need for prevention in the field. This initiative by regional manager Jean-Luc Bruneteau helped to raise awareness among the 8,000 or so employees, by placing QSE managers at the heart of this month's activities, and giving them a taste for the challenge in the years to come.

Numerous testimonials from employees testify to the success of this operation:
An excellent initiative. An awareness-raising month has a real impact on the development of our employees' safety culture. We saw it as an opportunity to prove that safety is indeed our number one concern, with an event to match the stakes, new themes (tidying up, nutrition, etc.) and resources (totem mannequin, quiz, video, games, safety mirror, etc.). Occupational health and safety is serious business!