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A commitment
to a sustainable future

The European Commission's goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 is driving companies to make major efforts to decarbonize.


Aware of these challenges, Onet, a benchmark player in engineering and services, is committed to the environmental transition and works every day to build a sustainable future.

Tomorrow's Stories
Debating the environmental transition

On May 30, 2024, Onet took part in a round table discussion entitled "How to build a sustainable future", organized by TNP Consultants.


Laurence Grillet Acerbo, Director of Responsible Development for the Onet Group, spoke about regulatory requirements, roadmaps for environmental transition, and adapting business models.


A look back at the event:

CSR initiatives for tomorrow

Onet's ambition is to become a company with impact, based on contributions that are monitored, measurable and integrated into all its activities. This commitment is reflected in various initiatives:

  • Biogistica biotechnological cleaning solution
    Since 2018, Onet has developed and deployed Biogistic, a biotechnological cleaning solution. This innovation combines the use of eco-labeled and biotechnology-derived products, reducing the harmful impact on the environment while ensuring the safety of occupants and cleaners.
  • Proactive fleet electrification policy
    Mobility is Onet's biggest carbon footprint. To address this issue, the group has adopted a proactive policy of electrifying its vehicle fleet. By installing charging stations in its branches and at employees' homes, Onet is facilitating the transition to electric vehicles.
  • Optimizing commuting
    Onet is also committed to optimizing commuting for its employees. By encouraging carpooling, the use of car-sharing platforms and the use of public transport, the Group aims to reduce the carbon footprint associated with daily travel.
  • Promotion of daytime and continuous working
    For several years now, Onet has been promoting daytime and/or continuous working to offset the constraints of staggered working hours, often encountered in the cleaning sector. This organization enhances the value of employees' work, improves their recognition, and also reduces the Group's carbon footprint.

For more information on Onet's commitment, read the white paper produced for the round table.

Summary in 6 questions

What are Onet's environmental objectives?

Onet aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by reducing its CO2 emissions and integrating sustainable practices into all its activities.

What is Biogistic ?

Biogistic is a biotechnological cleaning solution developed by Onet, which uses eco-labelled, biotechnology-derived products to reduce environmental impact.

How does Onet reduce its carbon footprint linked to mobility?

Onet has adopted a proactive policy of electrifying its vehicle fleet and encourages the use of sustainable means of transport for commuting.

What impact does daytime working have on the environment?

Daytime working reduces the need for energy and travel, thus lowering the company's carbon footprint.

How does Onet support the transition to electric vehicles?

Onet installs charging stations in its branches and at employees' homes to facilitate the use of electric vehicles.

What initiatives is Onet taking to promote carpooling?

Onet encourages carpooling by using sharing platforms and promoting the use of public transport to reduce CO2 emissions linked to home-work journeys.