Award ceremony for the "Fundamentals of Sales Excellence" course for 115 of our employees
On Thursday December 8, after more than a year on the course, 115 Onet Group employees were presented with their certificates of completion for the " Fundamentals of Sales Excellence " training course.
A ceremony to celebrate the Kedge Business School x Onet partnership.
To mark the occasion, the GAM amphitheatre on the Marseille campus was renamed Louis Reinier, Founder of the Onet Group, on the initiative of the Onet training cycles and University.
- - Onet
Celebrating employee skills development
After several months, combining their jobs with 78 hours of training designed to enhance the expertise of the Group's sales force, employees who had completed the "Fundamentals of Sales Excellence" course were able to round off their year at a ceremony.
In the Louis Reinier amphitheatre at Kedge Business School Marseille, introduced by Alexandre de Navailles, Managing Director of KEDGE Business School and Emilie de Lombarès, Chairman of the Board Onet of the Onet Group, the certificants were called up on stage to collect the precious document, handed over by members of the Executive Committee.
Newly-certified employees can be proud of the progress they have made.

An amphitheatre named after Louis Reinier, founder of Onet University
As part of its partnership with the Onet Group, KEDGE Business School has renamed its Multimedia Amphitheatre on the Marseille campus after Louis Reinier, founder ofOnet University.