Growing talent with Onet University
Investing in skills is a strong commitment and a major societal role for Onet. Enabling our employees to evolve, grow, develop and improve their performance encourages employee motivation and loyalty.
A corporate university? More than just training!
The principle of the university is above all to offer training resources with the aim of facilitating the learner's life and making the transfer of knowledge more fluid. The same applies to Onet University. It has a truly strategic dimension, as it embodies a strong vision of the company.
The main purpose of our university is to develop the skills of all our employees, from agents to managers, in all professions. Our ambition is to help our managers grow and develop their leadership skills, to digitalize training, to contribute to our employer brand, and to offer an opening onto the company's external environment.
" Helping our employees to grow is the best mission we can carry out with them," sums up Martine Baronian, Head of Onet University, perfectly.
Key figures for 2019
- 9,860 hours of classroom and distance learning courses
- 6,881 hours provided by external consultants
- 2,254 hours provided by in-house trainers
- 1,019 employees trained
- 6 06 managers trained
- 50 digital e-learning modules
- 13 training courses in Onet Learn (mobile application for our agents)2 certification courses
A closer look at the two courses on offer
Capitalizing on in-house talent and identifying potential is vital to our corporate strategy. We place great emphasis on internal promotion. For example, we have set up training cycles that enable our employees to progress to management positions. They can follow one of two courses:
- "Manager un center de responsabilités", a joint project with IFG, the University of Corsica and INSEEC (bac + 4/5 - RNCP level 7).
- In collaboration with CESI in Aix-en-Provence, we offer the "Local Manager" program (bac +2 - RNCP level 5).
On January 16, 2020, Onet University had the pleasure of awarding their diplomas to the class of 2019, 26 employees from all the Group's business lines.
" Graduation is a real achievement. You can really feel what this training has brought in terms of cohesion, benevolence and optimism for the future, and that really gives you confidence," declares Laurence Acerbo, Onet's Director of Responsible Development.
Health information: This video was shot on January 16, 2020.
For 2020, our "regional channel" curriculum, which aims to teach the fundamentals of management, is in the process of being certified.
Ever greater commitment to our employees and customers
Onet University is part of the Group's social and societal approach. Since 2002, Onet has been committed to taking responsible actions towards its employees and customers.
You can find out more about all the resources deployed by consulting the Responsible Development 2019 report .
Responsible development is also at the heart of our strategy, including in terms of training.
Described as the "Toefl" of sustainable development by the newspaper Le Monde, and supported by the United Nations, SuLitest is the first international test to assess individuals' knowledge of sustainable development issues and corporate social responsibility.
Onet was a pioneer in the development of this test.
It is fully integrated into the "Managing a Responsibility Center" curriculum.