Onet Foundation
Review of the 10th Solidarity and Housing Day
Poor housing at the heart of the Onet Foundation's actions
Created in 2010, the Onet Foundation aims to support action in favor of solidarity and the fight against poor housing.
To contribute to human development in a healthy and safe environment, it relies on the commitment of Onet Group employees and the building of partnerships with associations.
This organization takes action to help people in precarious situations to improve their living conditions, provide them with access to hygiene and food aid, and help them to re-establish a social life.
In France, more than 4 million people suffer from inadequate housing every day, and almost 10 million people are living in precarious conditions.
- - Onet
A 10th edition under the sign of solidarity & sharing
Since 2010, the3rd Friday in September has been dedicated to Solidarity. For this 10th edition, nearly a hundred employees responded to the Onet Foundation's call for projects: Solidarity and Housing Day. They took part in renovation projects.
A real highlight, this day brings together 3 forms of sponsorship: financial sponsorship, with the Onet Foundation covering the cost of equipment; in-kind sponsorship, with the donation of cleaning equipment by branches of the Onet network and founding members of the Onet Foundation; and skills sponsorship, with the involvement of employees of the services group throughout the day.
Once again this year, thanks to the mobilization of project sponsors, several associations were able to benefit: Les Apprentis d'Auteuil in Marseille and Chartres, L'Association Terre d'Asile in Paris, La Fondation Armée du Salut and L'Association du Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abris in Lyon and Les Restos du Cœur in Marseille.
Cleaning is essential wherever we receive beneficiaries. The Onet Foundation teams have also given us 200 euros worth of equipment and paint pots, which is providential.
Alain Maurice, President of Restos du cœur for West Moselle
Solidarity and Housing Day is an opportunity to unite all Onet Group employees around simple but concrete actions.

Some participants are service agents and have real expertise in terms of cleaning. But there are also other participants with backgrounds in commerce, finance, etc. Not all of them are experts in cleaning, but all of them want to help.
Julien Le Coq, Regional Manager East
This day is carried out on a voluntary basis. For this 2021 edition, the Onet Group has decided to offer the whole day to committed employees to support their voluntary action. Onet is convinced that by acting together, we are useful to others, to everyone and to the community. This commitment to the Onet Foundation is part of our dynamic commitment to corporate social responsibility.
The projects in detail

Chartres, the Apprentis d'Auteuil home
In Chartres, 10 Onet employees visited the Apprentis d'Auteuil home "Le Bercail", located north of the André Gagnon park, to renovate the walls of an apartment in the company of some of the home's beneficiaries, with whom they had the pleasure of sharing lunch. Around 40 families (pregnant women or mothers with their children) are housed in this home to build an individualized project and break their social isolation.

Lyon, le Centre les Grandes Voisines
In Lyon, 32 Group employees cleaned and refurbished part of the Centre les Grandes Voisines co-managed by the Foyer Notre Dame des Sans Abri and the Salvation Army Foundation. With the support of beneficiaries and volunteers from the above-mentioned associations, a total of around one hundred people worked on the project.
Marseille, Restos du Cœur and the Apprentis d'Auteuil "Halte des Parents
In Marseilles, Group employees have been working on two sites to refurbish premises designed to accommodate vulnerable groups.
Restoring a Restos du Cœur day center in the3rd arrondissement. Around forty people were mobilized at this site (Onet employees, Lycée Pastré-Grande Bastide final-year students, Restos du cœur volunteers) to help clean the premises (washing walls, cleaning windows, painting).
An Onet team of experienced cleaners was also on hand to restore the entire first floor using a scrubber-dryer.
This is a valuable commitment in the world of the social economy, as Onet directly deploys its business expertise for the benefit of a cause.
Refurbishment of the communal kitchen at the Apprentis d'Auteuil "Halte des Parents" in the4th arrondissement.
In all, some thirty people took part in painting the communal area. Furniture was also provided by the Onet Foundation and assembled by Onet employees.
These actions were undertaken in a spirit of sharing and good humor.
6 mothers benefiting from the Halte were keen to get involved alongside the staff, preparing their own dishes for lunch. 4 volunteers from the Apprentis d'Auteuil were also on hand to take part in the day's activities.
The volunteers have contributed to a veritable renaissance of our center. The entire ADJ RESTOS du COEUR team is very grateful for their efficient, energetic and cheerful involvement!
Jacqueline Bastet-Baudeau, Director of the Restos du cœur day center
We'd like to thank all the employees who attended the event, who were able to weave a bond with each and every one of us! Thank you for your organization, which ensured that the day went as smoothly as possible! This first experience was a rich one, and makes us want to do it all over again!
Sylvie Davieau, Head of La Halte des parents.

Metz, Restos du Cœur
In Metz, around twenty Onet employees worked at one site in the morning and another in the afternoon, providing assistance to two establishments. The morning was devoted to the Restos du Cœur in Woippy, and the afternoon to the Restos du Cœur in Metz. The program included washing floors, windows and walls. The project was supported by 4 Onet agencies in the East of France, teams from the Metz Regional Office, and in-kind donations of two vacuum cleaners.

Paris, France Terre d'Asile
In Paris, a dozen employees have joined forces with the France Terre d'Asile association to refurbish three apartments (Saint Denis in the 93rd arrondissement, Clamart in the 92nd arrondissement, and in the 19th arrondissement) intended to house migrants.
Solidarity and Housing Day in figures
- Nearly 200 volunteers by 2021
- 1,700 volunteers working with the Foundation since 2011
- 11,900 hours devoted to 72 projects since 2011