[Infographic] Onet Logistique 2022 satisfaction survey results
At the end of 2022, Onet Logistique conducted a customer satisfaction survey.
The survey reveals that over 90% of respondents are satisfied with our services.
- - Onet Logistique
Satisfaction survey 2022 : Onet Logistique customers give their opinion
Onet is committed to a transparent and responsible relationship with its customers. As part of this commitment, the company regularly conducts customer satisfaction surveys. With this in mind, Onet Logistique launched a new survey at the end of 2022 to assess customer satisfaction levels, identify strengths to be developed and target areas for improvement.
Over 90% of customers are satisfied with Onet Logistique
Things to remember
- 92% of customers are satisfied with Onet Logistique: 92% are satisfied with relations and services, and 87% with follow-up.
- According to the respondents, Onet Logistique is an expert, responsive company whose agents' know-how and interpersonal skills are unanimously recognized.
- Each barometer is the subject of a concrete action plan to improve the least satisfactory points.
Priority actions to meet their expectations even more effectively: communicate more on innovations, anticipate and advise even more, make prices even clearer.
Discover the survey results in an infographic

Survey conducted among all Onet Logistique customers in October 2022. More than 1 in 3 customers responded to the satisfaction survey (36% return rate).