The challenges of exporting services for Onet
On Thursday July 7, Emilie DE LOMBARES, Chairman of Onet's Management Board, took part in the plenary session of the Université d'été de l'internationalisation des entreprises "Les services toujours plus au cœur de l'exportation".
This plenary session, moderated by Etienne VAUCHEZ, President of the Fabrique de l'Exportation, also featured Jérôme FABRE, President of Compagnie Fruitière, and Ludovic SUBRAN, Chief Economist at ALLIANZ.
- - Onet
The importance of the services market in 2022
Today, service exports account for 1/3 of French exports. This market is constantly evolving, unlike that for goods, which is experiencing a downturn due in particular to recent world events.
The Services market has grown by 150% in France over the past ten years.
And for good reason: international trade in services represents an opportunity for our country, especially as it is not hampered by transport costs and carbon emissions.
Onet continues its international expansion
As an international player in engineering and services, Onet has been exporting its know-how for several years now.
Our Group, which has opened up to the world, is growing from 45 million in sales 7 years ago to 300 million in 2022.
This desire to export our services stems from a strong conviction that " when we know how to do something somewhere, we have to know how to do it in another culture, another environment ", says our CEO. Chairman of the Board Onet.
Today, Onet's challenges are tosupport our customers internationally with our know-how, to export our reference library of professions and, above all, to understand the culture and diversity of the countries for which we provide our services.
Watch the replay of the plenary session below
Emilie de Lombarès interviewed after taking part in the plenary session
On the occasion of her participation in the plenary session of UEIE 2022 (Université d'Eté de l'Internationalisation des Entreprises), our Chairman of the Board Onet, Emilie de Lombares was interviewed about the expertise of our services and their export.