Our navigator announces the winners of the Onet X Fabrice Amedeo competition!
As part of its partnership with Fabrice Amedeo, Onet organized a competition during the Vendée Globe 2020. Following his retirement, our navigator announced the winners in a video from La Trinité-sur-Mer.
300 Onet Group employees entered their predictions in the Onet x Fabrice Amedeo competition!
The aim of the competition was to predict the date on which Fabrice would cross the finish line, rewarding the twenty participants who came closest to that date. Unfortunately, our skipper's round-the-world voyage did not go according to plan. After an eventful start to the race, during which he had to return to Les Sables d'Olonne to repair a crack in the masthead, he was forced to retire after 33 days of racing.
- Congratulations to Noémie PAVONI fromOnet Cleaning and Associated Services who wins the jacket worn by Fabrice Amedeo during this Vendée Globe 2020, as well as a windbreaker and a copy of the booklet "Cétacé, l'Océan boit la tasse "*.
- Congratulations to Brice JOURDAIN from Onet Technologies, who won a book written and autographed by Fabrice Amedeo, "Loin de la terre, surgit le monde", a windbreaker and a copy of the booklet "Cétacé, l'Océan boit la tasse".
- Finally, congratulations to the next 20 players, who win an Onet X Fabrice Amedeo windbreaker and a copy of "Cétacé, l'Océan boit la tasse".
*(Educational booklet created by Fabrice Amedeo in collaboration with the Fondation de la mer and the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports).