2020, a new signature
to support our corporate project with impact
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"Stronger together ", our new brand signature embodies our Group's committed vision. It embodies our vision of a company with impact, a benchmark for our service businesses, and will set us apart from the rest. With equal service, commitment and the choice to focus on human values will make all the difference...
2020, a year of commitment
Responsible Development
2020, our concrete actions
for everyone
26 Onet University graduates
Our employees talk about it in a series of videos
Raising road safety awareness among our employees
European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities
Onet is a partner of the "Déclic" job e-Forum, dedicated to young graduates

2020, our concrete actions
for the preservation of the environment

2020, Onet celebrates the 25th anniversary of its subsidiary in Spain
2020, providing value-added information
Surveye IPSOS
How do Spaniards perceive cleanliness and hygiene in the COVID context?

Surveye INFRA
What is the perception of cleanliness and hygiene in Brazil in the COVID context?
2020, actions
The Onet Foundation mobilizes for the Banque Alimentaire food drive