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Stimulus plan to modernize the nuclear industry: 3 Onet Technologies projects financed by BPI France

In November 2020, the French government announced a stimulus plan aimed at "strengthening the skills and competitiveness of the nuclear industry". The Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery, the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Industry have set up a Call for Projects to support investment and modernization in the nuclear industry.

Supporting the nuclear industry: Excellence and competitiveness

This stimulus package is part of a strategy to develop the excellence of France's existing nuclear fleet, as well as current and future dismantling operations. It also aims to improve the export and international competitiveness of French technologies.

Financed by BPI France, this operation to support the nuclear industry will contribute to its technological development, and thus promote access to a low-carbon, competitive energy source that will contribute to the country's energy independence.

3 innovations from Onet Technologies

Onet Technologies seized the opportunity to respond to this Call for Projects and proposed 3 innovations currently under development within its teams.

These 3 projects concern the development of laser decontamination of nuclear components, the introduction of innovative non-destructive testing and the development of automated welding processes to reduce human error.


These innovations are perfectly in line with the Onet Group's Roadmap, but also with the Excell Plan for the nuclear industry led by EDF.