Interview with Emilie de Lombarès in BSMART: Onet, serving business and society.
Emilie de Lombarès, Chairman of the Board Onet, was the guest of Stéphane Soumier, former BFM Business journalist, on B SMART, the business and finance news channel.
Here's a look back at the highlights of this discussion, which focused on the history of the Onet Group, its development, the challenges it has faced in the face of the crisis, and its future prospects.
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The Onet Group has developed around service
"The Group has grown up around the customer," sums up Emilie de Lombarès to explain Onet's growth. In response to Stéphane Soumier's astonishment at our presence in the nuclear sector, she explains that the Group has always been driven and united by a spirit of service and the desire to satisfy its customers on a daily basis: "We learn to manage the complexity of our customers: organization of people, services, training, service management [...]".
Itis this approach to service engineering, centered on the analysis of our customers' needs, that enables Onet to offer tailor-made, responsible and innovative solutions. It is also what has gradually led our company to operate in a variety of sectors, and thus to develop different areas of expertise.
The crisis has changed the way we look at service professions
When Stéphane Soumier talks about the impact of the crisis on the service sector and the men and women who work in it, Emilie de Lombarès draws a positive lesson: the opportunity to "renew the dialogue with the customer and change the way we look at our professions".
Onet's Chairman of the Board Onet notes that there has been a real awakening to the service professions and to the fact that "it's all about people". The crisis has revealed the essential nature of our business to customers and the public. Today, customers no longer see Onet simply as a service provider, but rather as a partner whose expertise contributes to their performance: " the ultimate aim of our work is to satisfy our customers' users". This confidence in its expertise enables Onet to offer win-win solutions.
A gas pedal of social and environmental innovation
Emilie de Lombarès continues the interview by explaining that this new way of working with customers must endure. It's thanks to this dialogue, based on trust and the flexibility needed in times of crisis, that Onet has been able to deploy innovative services such as Biogistic, a global solution that combines the use of eco-labelled and biotechnology-derived products with a circular economy approach, saving 20 tonnes of waste a year, or Clean Connect, a connected cleaning solution that adapts in real time to users' needs.
She also adds that the crisis has made it possible "to step up certain battles, such as daytime working", pointing out that this is a battle that Onet and the service players have been waging for many years to enhance the value of our professions and restore their meaning and visibility.
Links at the heart of Onet's businesses
While Stéphane Soumier talks about the difficulty for service professions to recruit, Emilie de Lombarès reaffirms the attractiveness of service professions, which are practiced behind the scenes in extremely different environments, and above all behind the scenes in real life.
She concludes the interview with an appeal to those looking for meaningful careers: