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One year of commitment :
Entreprendre pour Toi endowment fund review

Since its launch a year ago, the "Entreprendre pour Toi" endowment fund has carried out a series of impactful actions.


Created through the collaboration of ten Marseille-based companies, including the Fondation d'entreprise du groupe Onet, the collective, which today includes 17 companies, fights against precariousness and poor housing by putting its strength at the service of associations working on a daily basis in the Aix-Marseille-Provence region.

A year of action and many structures supported

The actions of the "Entreprendre pour Toi" endowment fund have been deployed on several fronts: from the creation and renovation of housing to the professional support of people in precarious situations, through educational programs, each action is guided by a common desire to make change a reality.

To date, more than 10 associations have received financial support, skills sponsorship and in-kind donations: 

Through concrete actions, "Entreprendre pour toi" has made this year one of solidarity and social commitment.

Our aim is to build bridges between the worlds of institutions, associations and business. Our aim is to mobilize companies to pool their financial, material and human resources in order to amplify the action of associations.

Together, we're stronger!

The collective is open to companies of all sizes and in all business sectors located in the Aix-Marseille-Provence region. "Entreprendre pour Toi" offers 3 ways for companies to get involved: skills sponsorship, in-kind donations and financial donations, which include monetized paid leave donations.  

Together, we can make a real difference in the fight against precariousness and inadequate housing.

The Onet Foundation at the genesis of the project 

The Onet Foundation, in the wake of the tragedy on Marseille's Rue d'Aubagne in 2018, was behind the creation of Entreprendre pour Toi. This initiative was born out of the urgent need to act in the face of the poor housing crisis in Marseille. Initially, it brought together twelve companies to join forces in the face of this societal problem. Since then, the Onet Foundation has continued to play an essential role in coordinating and providing logistical support for the project.


With "Entreprendre pour Toi" and the strength of its collective, acting locally gives each company and its employees the opportunity to support concrete projects and to be an actor of a tangible change to create a strong dynamic of solidarity for our territory.


List of members :

Caisse d'Epargne CEPAC, Candide, EDF, Erilia, Fondation Onet, FDD Compagnie Fruitière, Kedge Business School, SEMM, Stan et Travaux du Midi, CIC Lyonnaise de banque, Constructa, CVE, Ekho, GMBG and Immostone.