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A fine performance at the European Touch Rugby Championships

Congratulations to the French Women's Open Touch Rugby team on their performance at the European Championships!

Focus on the European Touch Rugby Championships

The European Touch Rugby Championships are an opportunity for national teams to come together and demonstrate their talent, determination and team spirit on the field of play. This year, the Touch Rugby France Women's Open team, supported by the Onet Group, was right on target, taking second place in the competition. We are proud to celebrate this sporting achievement.

Throughout the tournament, the players demonstrated speed, strategy and agility, reflecting the values of Touch Rugby. Their performance showed that teamwork, passion and perseverance can bring results.


Our warmest congratulations to all the team's players.

Onet behind its collaborator and player: Justine

Among the team members, one person stands out: Justine, our research coordinator at Onet Technologies. Justine is a true champion on the Touch Rugby pitch, proudly wearing the number 2 jersey. Her role as research coordinator at Onet Technologies also demands agility, coordination and creativity - skills she has adapted perfectly to the game.


In a recent interview, Justine shares how she manages to balance her career at Onet Technologies with her passion for sport. She also highlights the importance of the support of our Onet Group and her colleagues in her sporting and professional success. Justine embodies determination and success, and we are proud to support her in her professional and sporting journey.

Discover his portrait

Sport plays a central role in this balance, and we are determined to continue supporting our employees.