At Onet,
prevention through innovation
At the heart of Onet's commitments, employee health and safety is our absolute priority.
The Group's ambition is unequivocal: to aim for excellence in occupational risk prevention.
Far beyond simply complying with legal standards, the aim is to create a working environment where health and safety are integrated at every stage.
With this in mind, Onet is investing in innovation, in particular by exploring the possibilities offered by immersive technologies.
- - Onet
An innovative teaching approach
Onet Technologies' 3D unit has developed customized virtual reality training modules for Group employees.
Since 2020, these modules offer an unrivalled learning experience.
Our standard approach is twofold: an interactive learning mode with teaching objects and texts, and an assessment mode where each employee is confronted with simulated and assessed situations.
Philippe Paris, Head of Onet's Technical Division

How does it work in practice?
A concrete example of the effectiveness of this training is the simulated safety harness check. For teams working at height, this is a crucial step. Thanks to virtual reality, employees can practice immersively, minimizing the risks associated with incorrect handling.
This new pedagogical approach is also designed to help employees take greater ownership of the subjects covered.
Discover the virtual reality module to prevent the risk of falls:
By integrating virtual reality into its training programs, Onet is demonstrating its commitment to providing its teams with the tools they need to evolve in a safe and secure working environment.
This innovative approach strengthens the Group's prevention culture.
Piloting Onet in Prevention
A safety-focused corporate culture
At Onet, prevention is about more than just reducing accidents in the workplace. It's a philosophy rooted in the company's DNA.
The "Piloter Onet en Prévention" policy is based on three essential pillars: the commitment of management, strong managerial leadership, and the involvement of all employees.