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Onet, a key player in
the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities 2021

The 25th edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH) takes place from November 15 to 21, 2021.


It's an opportunity for us to highlight Onet's year-round inclusion policy.


A policy designed for all our employees, based on listening and support.

For SEEPH 2021, we've put together a program packed with information and based on a variety of media. Games, webinars, field actions and videos are all on offer during this week dedicated to the employment of people with disabilities.

SEEPH 2021: an event dedicated to young people

Before turning to the 2021 theme, let's focus on the origins of SEEPH. The Semaine pour l'emploi des personnes handicapées was created in 1997 by LADAPT, an association under the law of 1901.


This association works on a daily basis for the social and professional integration of disabled people. Its work focuses on support, training, integration, schooling and care.


Since 2015, the Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities has become the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities. It is organized with the support ofAgefiph (Association de Gestion du Fonds pour l'Insertion Professionnelle des Personnes Handicapées) for the private sector and FIPHFP (Fonds pour l'insertion des personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique) for the civil service.


What is the aim of SEEPH?

  • Informing workers and employers about existing schemes to facilitate the professional integration of people with disabilities.
  • Promote meetings between companies, politicians, associations, civil society and disabled jobseekers.
  • Facilitate the recruitment and retention of disabled people through concrete actions.

The theme of the 2021 event is employment for young people with disabilities.

Several cross-cutting themes will be addressed.

First theme: access to apprenticeships, higher education and first jobs for young people with disabilities.

Second theme: young people and the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. In the context of the current health crisis, this theme is particularly topical. Young people with disabilities face undeniable difficulties in accessing employment. They are therefore a priority target group. Third theme: rurality, disability and employment.

Onet, an inclusive company

Our Group's inclusion policy doesn't just concern people with disabilities. Other commitments are also part of it, such as employability (with work-study programs and the employment of seniors in particular), and gender equality.

More broadly, it's about removing barriers to accessibility, so that everyone can use their potential without hindrance. It's not the people concerned who need to fit into the framework, but the framework that needs to adapt to them.

To this end, Onet decided several years ago to coordinate its diversity policies.

Onet's disability policy, aimed at greater inclusion, is being implemented on 3 fronts:

  • Recognition of disability,
  • Job retention,
  • Integration through economic activity.

Our aim: to develop a culture that encourages the employment and professional development of people with disabilities.

It's a virtuous circle that we want to create, with employability in particular. These measures benefit all employees, whether or not they are disabled. Disability can affect not only the employee, but also those around him or her. The subject of disability must therefore be a cross-functional and collective one. Within the company, you need to support the whole team: the disabled person, but also his or her colleagues and manager. The essential day-to-day ingredients: trust, exchange and open dialogue.

To ensure the success and follow-up of our actions, our policy is based on the development of concrete, enforceable indicators.

Concrete actions throughout the year


We apply the principles of our inclusion policy on a daily basis through concrete, useful measures.


Local disability advisors / Inclusion advisors

We have set up a network of referents based on volunteers. Present in each region, the inclusion referent is there to help employees in their efforts to have their disability recognized. Their mission is to support teams in various areas relating to disability:

  • Reconnaissance course,
  • Skills development paths,
  • Employability,
  • Job retention.

The disability advisor "guides, informs and supports people with disabilities"(article L5213-6-1 of the French Labor Code).

Agefiph telephone hotline

Since 2017, we have set up, via Agefiph, a toll-free number available 7 days a week. This enables Onet employees to find out about the steps they need to take to be recognized as a disabled worker.

Raising awareness of disability issues

Education and information are essential to a better understanding of disability. That's why we regularly run in-house awareness-raising campaigns for our employees.

The aim: to learn or re-learn about disability and to dispel preconceived ideas. To achieve this, we provide our employees with online training modules.


We are developing a network of national partners: APF Entreprise, Agefiph, AG2R retraite, Cap emplois.

Onet takes an active part in SEEPH 2021

Our Group has put together a rich and varied program for the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities.

Agefiph videos

Several videos will be made available to Onet employees. These will cover topics such as returning to work after a long-term layoff, and recognizing disability.

APF Entreprises Webinar

This webinar will cover a range of topics: the role of the occupational physician, support in the event of progressive illness, and retirement.


On November 18, Onet is taking part in the national DuoDay©.

Here's how it works: a company hosts a disabled person for the day, working in tandem with a volunteer professional. In addition to discovering a profession, this day of immersion in a company is also an opportunity for mutual exchange. It's an opportunity to meet new people.

Animation Activateur de progrès Agefiph

Once again this year, Agefiph is launching a national communication campaign called Activateur de progrès. Its aim is to encourage reflection on the place of people with disabilities in the workplace. Our Group is taking part in this campaign, offering employees 2 online games: Handipoursuite and Activ Game. A fun way to test your knowledge of disability and employment.

AG2R Caregivers event

Our partner AG2R will be on hand to present a presentation on the caregiver leave scheme.

Whether we're young, old or a caregiver, whether directly or indirectly, we will all one day be confronted with disability. That's why we're working to make diversity the norm.

We are convinced that inclusion is the key to a better quality of working life for our 70,000 employees.

As our HR Director Laurence Lelouvier explains: " We need to make the most of our diversity and turn our commitments into levers for innovation by involving all our employees." This is our daily objective: to integrate, work and grow together.

Additional resources on disability and support for disabled workers

Agefiph hot line available to Onet employees 7 days a week

Toll-free number: 0 800 11 10 09