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Help protect the oceans
thanks to the Onet x Fabrice Amedeo partnership

On June 8, we celebrate World Oceans Day, a special occasion to highlight the importance of the health of our oceans and their impact on our planet.

An inspiring sports partnership to protect the oceans

Since 2020, as part of our Onet x Fabrice Amedeo partnership, we have been supporting sailor Fabrice Amedeo's scientific project through concrete, inspiring actions aimed at protecting and preserving our precious bodies of water. In March 2023, the Onet Group renewed its support by setting course for the Vendée Globe 2024 alongside him.

The oceans are the lungs of our Earth, regulating the climate and home to a rich and diverse biodiversity. However, they face growing threats, including plastic pollution and global warming.

Fabrice Amedeo, in collaboration with renowned international scientific groups such as Ifremer, the University of Bordeaux and the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), is conducting oceanographic measurement campaigns to better understand the consequences of global warming on the oceans, as well as plastic pollution. The results have revealed an alarming increase in cellulose microfibers and microplastics, highlighting the urgent need for action.

A new tool for measuring and monitoring the oceans

The launch of Fabrice Amedeo's new boat on July 5 marks the start of a new adventure. The oceanographic sensors aboard the boat will enable us to measure CO2, salinity, temperature, plastic pollution and ocean biodiversity. This crucial scientific data will help us to better understand the challenges facing the oceans and to take effective conservation measures.

Everyone can help preserve the oceans

World Oceans Day is a reminder that each and every one of us has a role to play in protecting these fragile ecosystems. By reducing our consumption of single-use plastic, supporting beach clean-up initiatives and promoting sustainable practices, we can all contribute to preserving our oceans.

Responsible Development

Responsible Development