Université Onet
67 "young graduates"!
On Tuesday May 3, we celebrated the success of 67 of our employees at the legendary Orange Vélodrome stadium !
All having obtained their certifying diplomas after completing one of the training courses offered by Onet University. Exceptionally, the ceremony brought together the 2018-2020 and 2019-2021 classes of the " Managing a Center of Responsibilities (MCR ) and " Proximity Manager (PMO )" training courses.
This event also enabled us to reward all the actions we have implemented for the benefit of all our employees: the strengthening of digitalization through our tools such as the "Onet Learn challenge", regional training with the "regional sector" curriculum, local management as well as the development of managerial and strategic skills.
A great event highlighting skills development at Onet!
Our employees, who came from all over France, were delighted to meet up in this festive and emblematic setting!
- - Onet University
Working together to enhance skills
Although the health context has changed many things, we have always been keen to continue training our employees. Investing in skills is a strong commitment and a major societal role for Onet. We have therefore adapted by continuing to innovate in order to maintain our level of commitment and even offer new courses.
To celebrate the rising skills of our employees, we gathered for the graduation ceremony of 67 of our employees who took part in the last two classes of our university (2018-2020 and 2019-2021). The graduates come from all the Group's businesses, representing the diversity that is our strength. Each with his or her own career path, Onet University brings together talents who all share the same desire to discover, acquire and strengthen their skills.
Keen to continue my training and obtain a diploma in line with my activity, I expressed my desire to progress during one of my individual professional interviews. So, in October 2019, I was able to join the "Local Manager" course. We covered a lot of modules, initially in e-learning because of the health context, and then with 2 days of face-to-face classes a month with CESI, the higher education and vocational training campus in Aix-en-Provence. Thanks to this Bac+2 in my pocket, my experience is really valued by the market.
Marc Corazzini, Site Manager Onet - PSH Marseille - Provence Airport
In addition to the 4 courses offered by Onet University, we also offer our students support in developing their soft skills and Group values: "On a personal level, this experience has confirmed my attachment to my profession. It also gave me self-confidence and tools for everyday life," confides Marc Corazzini.
Congratulations to our young #graduates!
Onet Learn
Guaranteeing quality services in compliance with Onet's operational standards
In 2019, we launched our app dedicated to training all our employees: Onet Learn. Awarded the Trophée d'or de la digitalisation des Victoires des Leaders du Capital Humain 2019 and a finalist at the Trophées du Digital Learning 2022, we wanted above all to encourage the deployment of our business operational standards by offering a new format. This digital tool, which helps our agents in situ, enables them to access a large number of video tutorials (over 50 available courses) as well as practical advice directly on their smartphone. To date, over 13,000 employees have been trained.
I'm proud of my teams for taking the time to test Onet Learn. Our agency has been working on this project since 2018. We are delighted to have been able to participate in the promotion and deployment of this training tool. Everyone's hard work has made this project a great success. It's a great recognition for all of us to see our agents increase their skills!
Isabelle Mallet, Branch Manager,Onet Cleaning and Associated Services Vitrolles

Reinforce the proximity of our teams with the "New Manager" curriculum
The keystone of our organizations, our team leaders and supervisors now benefit from a dedicated regional training program.
- It is designed to help you take on your new role and understand the dimension of the managerial role.
- It also enables our managers to master managerial rituals to gain in confidence and efficiency, to assert themselves on a daily basis to successfully carry out their mission, and to leave "stronger" in the eyes of their colleagues and customers.
This course reinforces the1st level of training in our management programs. As a result, all three levels of management training offered by our Onet University are now certified.
At the same time, the University's other courses (Proximity Manager and Responsibility Center Manager) continued to be rolled out. In view of the health context, we once again had to adapt and offered a "training mix" formula. In this way, face-to-face and distance learning complemented each other to maintain the pace and deployment of the courses.
For example, the training cycles set up through Onet University enable our employees to progress to management positions.

Since 2015, Onet University has reflected the training policy pursued for many years. Its leitmotif: "growing together and cultivating our benchmark". The raison d'être of our university is primarily to develop the skills of all our employees, whatever their level, job or function.
Our ambition is to train, develop, grow, digitalize training, professionalize and harmonize our business practices, roll out our operational business standards, contribute to our employer brand, and forge partnerships with outside companies around innovative managerial approaches.