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United States

Radiation Protection Technician

I carry out dosimetry measurements in ionizing environments and mapping on nuclear sites. These measurements help to define the risks that may be present in the various work areas.

My core competencies



Produce radiological maps (contamination/irradiation). 


Remind workers of the site's radiation protection rules and developments


Carry out daily measurement checks on intervention areas  


Monitor the proper operation of equipment already in the work area


Valid PNR, PR1 CC or PR1 CR authorizations


Ideally with a BAC or BAC+2 in HSE with specialization in radiation protection.



  • Communicates with ease
  • Respecting the rules
  • Professional awareness
  • Shared vigilance
  • Transparency

My manager's vision by Onet

My duties and responsibilities
as a Radiation Protection Technician

  • I carry out daily measurement checks in areas where I work on nuclear sites. 
  • I implement corrective actions following non-compliance with the rules
  • I am able to check the conformity of measuring equipment and set up monitoring devices on worksites.

Marina BANOS

Radiation protection technician


Marina joined Onet Technologies as an operator, completed her training and progressed internally to become a Radiation Protection Technician at the CEA CESTA site.

The advantages of my job

  • Versatility : my missions are very varied

  • Diversity of teams,

  • Human : closeness to my teams and customers

My career prospects

  • Move up in the Intervention Division and manage teams.

I'm applying!

Radiation Protection Technician F/H

Radiation Protection Technician F/H

Radiation protection technician in nuclear environment F/H

Nuclear radiation protection technician F/H

Radiation protection technician F/H

Radiation protection technician F/H

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